[백업][가리사니] 윈도우 10/11 업데이트 자동 재시작 막기

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Registry update(Windows 10/11):

Open the Registry Editor

Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows

Right click on the Windows and select New->Key, name the Key WindowsUpdate

Right click on your newly created WindowsUpdate key and select New->Key, name this key AU

Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value in AU called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers

Update the value of NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers to 1

Local Group Policy(won't work for Windows Home):

Open Gpedit.msc

(For Windows 10) Navigate to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Windows Update

(For Windows 11) Navigate to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Windows Update - Legacy Policies

Enable No auto-restart with logged-on users for scheduled automatic updates

Open a command prompt and run gpupdate /force

출처: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/is-there-some-way-to-turn-off-auto-restart-in/bcd358c0-0ab2-4895-aaa0-2c8a5d943194