[백업][가리사니] 안드로이드 process name 및 id

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이글의 출처는 다음과 같습니다.

http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.html ``` java for (RunningAppProcessInfo runningProInfo : runningProcInfo) { int pid = runningProInfo.pid; Log.e(TAG+”-pid”, ““+pid); }

// RunningAppProcessInfo 의 맴버 public int importance // The relative importance level that the system places on this process. public int importanceReasonCode // The reason for importance, if any. public ComponentName importanceReasonComponent // For the specified values of importanceReasonCode, this is the name of the component that is being used in this process. public int importanceReasonPid // For the specified values of importanceReasonCode, this is the process ID of the other process that is a client of this process. public int lastTrimLevel // Last memory trim level reported to the process: corresponds to the values supplied toComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int). public int lru // An additional ordering within a particular importance category, providing finer-grained information about the relative utility of processes within a category. public int pid // The pid of this process; 0 if none public String[] pkgList // All packages that have been loaded into the process. public String processName // The name of the process that this object is associated with public int uid // The user id of this process. ```