[백업][가리사니] spring framework 5 신기능
java, spring

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JDK 8+9 and Java EE 7 Baseline

Entire framework codebase based on Java 8 source code level now. Java EE 7 API level required in Spring’s corresponding modules now. Full compatibility with JDK 9 as of July 2016.

Removed Packages, Classes and Methods

Package mock.staticmock removed from spring-aspects module. Packages web.view.tiles2 and orm.hibernate3/hibernate4 dropped. Dropped support: Portlet, Velocity, JasperReports, XMLBeans, JDO, Guava. Many deprecated classes and methods removed across the codebase.

Core Container Improvements

JDK 8+ enhancements JDK 9 preparations XML configuration namespaces streamlined towards unversioned schemas. Resource abstraction provides isFile indicator for defensive getFile access.

General Web Improvements

Unified support for media type resolution through MediaTypeFactory delegate. Full Servlet 3.1 signature support in Spring-provided Filter implementations. Support for Protobuf 3.0 (currently beta 4).

Reactive Programming Model

spring-core DataBuffer and Encoder/Decoder abstractions with non-blocking semantics. spring-web HTTP message codec implementations with JSON (Jackson) and XML (JAXB) support. New spring-web-reactive module with reactive support for the @Controller programming model adapting Reactive Streams to Servlet 3.1 containers as well as non-Servlet runtimes such as Netty and Undertow. New WebClient with reactive support on the client side. For more details refer to the chapter “Web Reactive Framework” in the reference docs.

Testing Improvements

Complete support for JUnit 5’s Jupiter programming and extension models in the Spring TestContext Framework. New before and after test execution callbacks in the Spring TestContext Framework with support for TestNG, JUnit 5, and JUnit 4 via the SpringRunner (but not via JUnit 4 rules). XMLUnit support upgraded to 2.2